“In each child, God whispers a new secret to the world; adds a new dimension of immortality to creation.” - Ven. Fulton Sheen
Dear Parents of Young Children: Welcome! We are so grateful that you and your family have joined us at Mary, Mother of Mercy Parish. It is our hope that your little ones will grow up to be the future of our parish and the Catholic Church in the world. Until then, please, relax! We know that it’s not easy to get your whole family to Mass and it can be even more difficult to keep everyone sitting still. But our kids should know that the church is a place they can be at home. We invite you to sing, pray, teach, respond and explain while you are at Mass. Our liturgy is full of spirit with you here and we know your children are learning from the way you worship. Also, everyone knows that children sometimes cry and make noise. You don’t need to step out of Mass for this, but nobody will judge you if you do. Just be sure to return!
“Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” -Matthew 19:14
Attention Catholic School & Homeschool Parents! Children attending Catholic schools or being homeschooled should be receiving sacramental preparation at our parish. Therefore, it is important to register your child with our Faith Formation for Youth (even if they attend Catholic School)! Please contact the parish office if you did not receive a registration form in the mail or if you have a child new to Catholic School or homeschool. Please plan to register your child for the 2024/2025 school year. Registration Form Questions can be directed to: Shannon Cassidy, Coordinator of Religious Education; Alysha Chambers, Veritas Coordinator (1st Reconciliation/First Communion prep); Ryan Francisco (Confirmation prep).
Take advantage of our Parish gift to you - free access to some of the best Catholic content available on the internet. Content is available for all ages. Go to Formed.org to register.
Available to watch on Formed.org: Ages 8 & Under Youth Ages 8 & Up Brother Francis (10 episodes) Saints The Jesus Stories (6 episodes) Special Topics Carlos Caterpillar (12 episodes) Ryan Defrates: Secret Agent The Opus Joyous Show (4 episodes) Cat.Chat For Kids (8 episodes)
**If you haven't yet opened the parish gift to you of formed.org and seen all it has to offer, please go to Mary-mom.com to register for the formed content.**
Praying the Living Rosary
Photos of recent Youth Faith Formation events can be found at:
Mary, Mother of Mercy Parish offers catechesis and faith formation that focuses on the “whole family,” spans our whole life and includes the whole parish family. We seek to empower parents in their role as primary educators of their children as well as support adults in their own faith formation. The components of the program will center on the Holy Eucharist and will provide the opportunity for full, conscious and active participation. They will include some age-specific pieces as well as many opportunities for the whole parish family to participate inter-generationally (all age groups together).