Special Needs Instruction |
Services for Students with Disabilities
In 2011, we began offering shadowing (1:1 support) to students in our ECHO program. The shadowing service is for students who have learning and behavioral issues. Primarily, we have served students with ADHD and autism. As our faith is a lifelong journey, we hope to find ways to include special needs teens and adults in future programs. Our human dignity is not defined by social expectations; it is defined by God alone as we are all His children. Please find a list of services offered below. For additional information, please contact Shannon Cassidy at [email protected]. |
Shadowing or
Adaptive Religious Education,
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd A small classroom setting for students who need a more structured teaching environment that includes visual supports (visual schedule and reward chart). These students utilize materials that were designed for preschool (3-6) and early elementary school students (grades K-2). The students rotate to learning stations; typically two students per station. Class Size: Maximum of 8 students. The session is offered once a week, on Thursday, 4:30-5:45 pm.